Fighting bacteria in your bathroom

stairs being cleaned at a property in Preston

Domestic cleaning can be difficult to keep up with. Especially when you have a busy schedule, mobility issues, or young children. As a result, it can be easy to let your cleanliness standards slack. But this isn’t always the best option. Bacteria and some surface dwelling viruses, as well as mold, mites and dust all thrive in places that are not cleaned regularly. And the bathroom can be a perfect hotspot for these nasties. Here at Cleaning North West, we are Preston’s leading cleaning professionals, offering high quality services for commercial and domestic premises alike. As a result, we have produced this guide to fighting bacteria in your bathroom.

Fighting bacteria in your bathroom

So how can you fight off potentially harmful bacteria in your bathroom? Well, there are several steps. These include:

  • Cleaning the toilet- it might sound obvious, but the toilet itself is the leading source of bacteria in the bathroom. Cleaning your toilet regularly will help to reduce the amount of bacteria around, and keep your household healthier. Make sure you use disinfecting materials to clean the toilet and kill off any bacteria.
  • Clean the shower or bath- this is the second most common place for bacteria to thrive, which often surprises many homeowners. But bacteria thrives on the build-up of soap scum, hairs, skin cells, and much more. Thoroughly clean the tiles and taps in the shower or bath area, as well as the shower tray or the bath itself. If you use a plastic shower curtain, take this down and thoroughly clean it.
  • Clean the tiles- Finally, one of the most important steps for fighting bacteria in your bathroom, is to clean the tiles. Especially the floor tiles. These come into contact with human feet on a regular basis, as well as outdoor shoes and dirt. Cleaning these will help kill off any bacteria.

For professional cleaning services, on a regular or one off basis, get in touch with the team today, here at Cleaning North West.