Preparing your meeting room

cleaning north west

If you are scheduled to receive important visitors, it is essential that your office really gives a good impression. From your staff, to the building itself, visitors need to be impressed by the environment, and not put off by a messy, unorganized, chaotic office space. After all, these visitors might be trusting you with their money, or their documents. So make it easy for them to trust you by creating a calm, attractive space. Why not hire a team of professionals to take care of this for you? Like us, here at Cleaning North West. We offer a range of professional commercial cleaning services, with a lot of flexibility. Whether you need regular cleaning, or one off cleaning in time for your next meeting, we are the professional cleaning team you can rely on. As a result, we have produced this guide to preparing your meeting room.

Preparing your meeting room

Preparing your meeting room is a process that involves a number of steps, depending on its current condition. Here at Cleaning North West, we will:

  • Clean the floors- carpet or laminate, we will clean the floor throughout your office, as well as in the meeting room. This is because people tend to notice the floor, and the condition of the floor, when entering a building. And a stained, dirty floor is never the right impression to set.
  • Clean the desks- in the meeting room, it is important that the space is clean and clear. Any paperwork and other items in the room will need to be removed to somewhere safe, and returned after the meeting. The desks will also need to be thoroughly cleaned removing any stains or grease from the surfaces.
  • Open the windows- letting in some fresh air will help prevent your meeting space from feeling too hot, or stuffy. And it will also freshen up the smell too. The cleaning products will also help with this.
  • Finishing touches- when we have cleaned the room from top to bottom, including the floors, desks, walls and ceiling if necessary, we will look for all the fine details. These are what will stand out to your visitors if your meeting lasts a long time. Mildew on the window, or dusty on the blinds for example, are the finishing touches that should not be overlooked.

For more information or advice, get in touch with the professionals today, here at Cleaning North West.