Neglected domestic cleaning tasks

cleaners preston

Many of us can be guilty of neglecting our housework from time to time. With busy lives and hectic schedules, sometimes ignoring the housework is the only way to fit enough time into the day. But there are some domestic tasks you really shouldn’t miss out. And often you will find the time to get these ticked off the list. But there are also tasks that often get overlooked or neglected completely. So what are these neglected domestic cleaning tasks, and how can you include these in your schedule? Well, here at Cleaning North West, we are Preston’s leading domestic and commercial cleaning experts. And this is our guide to the most common neglected domestic cleaning tasks.

Neglected domestic cleaning tasks

So, where are the most neglected areas in the average home, when it comes to cleanliness and cleaning? Well, there are several, including:

  • Light switches- light switches are in every room in the home, but often they are overlooked when cleaning. Unfortunately, light switches are touched by most members of the house, multiple times a day. And this means they offer a great surface for viruses to live on, just waiting to be picked up by the next person. To keep your household healthy, make sure to clean the light switches as part of your daily routine.
  • Door handles- door handles, and the doors themselves are often overlooked as part of the cleaning routine. And just like light switches, these door handles can be efficient transmitters of viruses and germs between people in your household. As a result, you should make sure that your door handles are cleaned and sanitized daily.

For professional domestic cleaning that will leave your home spotless and fresh, get in touch with the professionals today, here at Cleaning North West.