Independent living with home help in Preston

our cleaning team

Housework chores and daily routines can become a battle for some of us as we age. From memory issues, to mobility issues, things like shopping and cleaning can become increasingly difficult. Here at Cleaning North West, we are home help service providers. But what does this mean, and what will it cover? Well, this is our guide to independent living with home help.

What is our home help service?

Designed with the individual in mind, home help is all about providing additional support for those day to day tasks that can become too overwhelming. This will include things like meal preparation, shopping, and cleaning. While we don’t provide personal care, we can work with and around any help you do get from professional carers, to provide further support, and keep your environment clean and fresh. All of our team are professionally trained to make sure that they provide individualized support for each client. So whatever requirements you have, we can provide a personalized package.

Independent living with home help

Home help can be just the service you need to keep you living independently, in your own environment, without having to move into  a residential home. Our staff can help with:

  • Cleaning- A fresh and clean environment can make a huge difference to both your physical and mental health. If you are a houseproud person, it can be increasingly frustrating when you can’t maintain your usual standard of cleaning routine. Why not let us help with that? Simply provide a list, or talk to us about the cleaning jobs you would like us to tackle, and we’ll take care of it for you.
  • Meals- Cooking and preparing meals can become a real challenge, and even thinking about can be exhausting. Here at Cleaning North West, we can help with all kinds of meal preparation, with your preferences and dietary requirements in mind. So whatever you would like to eat, we can prepare and even cook your meal.
  • Shopping- Physically demanding, shopping can be a challenge. That’s why we offer a personal shopper service. We can help take you to the shops, or simply go ourselves, and return with your requested items.

For more information get in touch today, here at Cleaning North West.