Is your office making you ill?

Many people across the UK have office based jobs, which generally involve working from a desk for several hours of the day. But this could be making you ill. In small working environments, like offices and call centres, germs and bacteria can spread quickly and efficiently between staff members. And these can even linger on surfaces for several hours, just waiting to be picked up. Here at Cleaning North West, we are leading cleaning experts, providing excellent cleaning services for offices, domestic settings, and retail buildings. As a result, we have produced this guide exploring office hygiene. So, is your office making you ill?

Is your office making you ill?

Offices are great hotspots for germs and bacteria. And an office that is not regularly cleaned and sanitised could be the cause of frequent colds and viruses spreading around your workplace. And while your office carpet might be hoovered every now and again, and the kitchen surfaces and toilets given a quick wipe over, a lot of important smaller areas will be missed out. These key danger areas include:

  • the office kettle- touched by almost every member of staff, often after visiting the restroom, the kettle is an obvious place for germs to spread. So when was the last time your office kettle was cleaned?
  • your own desk- from crumbs and coffee rings, to stacked paperwork, the chances are your office desk is already quite untidy. But have you considered it’s cleanliness? How many people have been coughing and sneezing over your desk and office equipment? And if you hotdesk the problem is likely to be amplified.
  • the office phone- again another item used by most of the people in your office. But this object is also held close to peoples faces, including the mouth. So its no real surprise that colds and flues spread so quickly around a small office!

For more information or advice, get in touch with the professionals today, here at Cleaning North West.